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10° ʺ? 100 ʺ ŻѴ.'å++ŷƷá ϴ 3D ü н  , ġ ؼ Ѵ.

DAY 001 Look whos here! ̰ !
DAY 002 Dont mention it
DAY 003 Whats the weather like? ?
DAY 004 I feel like going out  ;
DAY 005 Care for some coffee? Ŀ ҷ?
DAY 006 Look on the bright side
DAY 007 What do you mean? ?
DAY 008 Can you give me a hand? ٷ?
DAY 009 Want to come along? ?
DAY 010 Hes getting out of hand

DAY 011 Youve crossed the line ʹ ߾
DAY 012 Are you sure? ̾?
DAY 013 Dont tell me what to do ܼҸ ׸
DAY 014 I called in sick ¾
DAY 015 Whats up with your hair? Ӹ ׷?
DAY 016 Sounds good ̾
DAY 017 This is ridiculous
DAY 018 Im booked solid á
DAY 019 Time to call it a day ð̾
DAY 020 I should pay more attention Ű

DAY 021 Not to worry
DAY 022 Lets go for a drive ̺
DAY 023 Just throw away
DAY 024 Here we go again ̾
DAY 025 Let it go Ű
DAY 026 Now youre talking ٷ װž
DAY 027 Youre all dressed up Ծ
DAY 028 Suit yourself! !
DAY 029 Lets get wasted
DAY 030 Its no big deal ƴϾ

DAY 031 Whats wrong with it? ?
DAY 032 I stayed up all night
DAY 033 Watch your language
DAY 034 Dont even think about it ޵
DAY 035 My back is killing me 㸮 װھ
DAY 036 Ill see what I can do ˾ƺԿ
DAY 037 What took you so long? ̷ ʾ?
DAY 038 Anything good happen? ־?
DAY 039 Its coming up Ҿ
DAY 040 Let me out over there ⼭

DAY 041 She was upset ׳డ ȭ
DAY 042 Youre all talk ̾
DAY 043 I go along with that ؿ
DAY 044 Im sick of this Ⱦ
DAY 045 What brings you here? ¾ ̾?
DAY 046 How did it go?  ƾ?
DAY 047 Maths not my thing Ⱦ
DAY 048 l cant take it anymore ̻
DAY 049 Im freezing to death ߿ װھ
DAY 050 Hold on, please ø

DAY 051 Act your age! հ !
DAY 052 Knock it off! ׸ !
DAY 053 I dont buy it
DAY 054 Im not picky about food Ծ
DAY 055 He has gone for the day ״ ߾
DAY 056 Make it on time ð
DAY 057 You go by the book Ģ ϳ
DAY 058 Whats bothering you? ־?
DAY 059 I think Ill pass ҰԿ
DAY 060 Im between jobs ̾

DAY 061 Youre on the right track ϰ ־
DAY 062 It tastes funny ̻
DAY 063 Save my seat ڸ
DAY 064 Its worth visiting
DAY 065 The game ended in a tie ºη
DAY 066 Hang in there ݸ
DAY 067 I ran into her ¸ 쿬
DAY 068 Sorry to hear that ȵƱ
DAY 069 You have a minute? ð ־?
DAY 070 Lets split the bill

DAY 071 Im not much of a talker ֺ
DAY 072 You dont wanna do that ϴ
DAY 073 He blacked out ʸ
DAY 074 Lets make a toast ǹ
DAY 075 Hope it works out DZ ٶ
DAY 076 Have you made a profit? ¾?
DAY 077 She was taken to the ER ޽ǿ Ƿ
DAY 078 Please spread the word Լҹ
DAY 079 Its too much for me ʹ
DAY 080 Theyre made for each other õ̾

DAY 081 You didnt come out great Գ
DAY 082 Let me sleep on it ٽ
DAY 083 Just get to the point и
DAY 084 Its pouring
DAY 085 Lets take a walk å
DAY 086 Thanks for the tip ˷ ༭
DAY 087 Keep your voice down Ҹ
DAY 088 I got a lecture ߴܸ¾Ҿ
DAY 089 Fill her up, please ּ
DAY 090 Put it on my account ܻ ҰԿ

DAY 091 Give me a wake-up call ּ
DAY 092 I have a bad cough ħ ؿ
DAY 093 Will that be all? װ ̽Ű?
DAY 094 What do you say? ?
DAY 095 Can I get a refund? ȯ dz?
DAY 096 Dont ask for trouble
DAY 097 Im sorry for your loss Ǹ ǥմϴ
DAY 098 Lets face it
DAY 099 I missed the boat ȸ ƾ
DAY 100 Dont be a chicken! ̸ !


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(ѱ 40̳)
 ۼ ۼ õ

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